Monday, June 21, 2010

Outing with my old bestie

I went out with Paul last Thursday. Early in the morning, he already reached my house while I was still bathing. My family helped me to layan him first and served him a "ba chang" for breakfast. Haha.

We went City Square later for lunch and movie. We had our lunch in a Japanese restaurant. I forgot what is the name of the restaurant already. Pikachu? Lol. And we watched Sex and the city 2!! Haha. The movie was quite nice especially when they were in Abu Dhabi! But I fall asleep in the middle and Paul
kept complaining about it. Lol. I am so sorry. I was really too tired. I slept quite late the day before =3. Btw, I am seriously fall in love to Abu Dhabi after watching this movie!!! Haha.

At night, we went back to my house again and we took dinner together in my house =)

My birthday present given by Paul =)

A perfume!!

Mars Jacob - Daisy!!! This was one which I wanted for so long!!! Thanks Paul!! You know me well! Thank you so much =)

This perfume makes my table looks so classy now! Haha

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